In place of the normal words which spill forth from my adaquetly useful fingers, I've found that today, nothing really comes out. I even tried thinking, "well, what is this blog? How can I add to it?" But inside and underneath and of the discipline bending that I hoped to do I realized that I have been sorely lacking in one area: the day off.
Behold my friends, the power of the day off. Today I have a list of things to do, and I'd imagine that they will get done, but on my own damn time. There is such a premium on having every moment be so full of meaning and desire and profundity and truth that today, I am going to be the exception that proves the rule. For as it turns out, the definition of a productive day comes in so many different forms (just like intelligence).
For example. Today I have done everything that I would like to do. I've slept in, played some guitar, opened a myspace account, done battle with said myspace account and was forced to retreat, took out some recycling, drank (and am currently drinking) a couple of beers, read a little, shipped off some email. In fact, this post is the most concerted thing I have done all day. I still have to make some phone calls, to friends that I have deliquent in staying in proper touch with, but this is something that I can't wait to do.
The glorious day off is made all the more glorious by the fact that I don't get very many. The freelance philosopher/lifeguard/retail associate/personal trainer as it turns out doesn't get many chanes to unwind; between living very frugally and having an ever changing schedule of things. So when I have 24 while hours to do whatever fuck-all I wish, I get to take it.
In fact, I'm gonna write this whole day off. I just gonna say that this is the time when I take type B to a whole new level. In the search for balance we must probe the extremes in order to find the nuances that still exist in moderation: a new level of description for balance. Today is ungrammatical. Today, I will misuse a semicolon: in fact, I plan to misuse all of the symbols of puctuation for my own dastardly means;
I am always amazed at the difference a {day} off means. It has occured to me, both anectdotally and introspectively, that I am a pretty laid back person. I agree, though what i realized the other day is that this all relative. With my background in learning to relax and just letting go I have managed to find more and more opportunities when I could let another thing go into the water always flowing under the bridge. I won't get into examples, for fear of making someone uptight on my behalf, but suffice to say I do get wound, just differently.
So what does this mean? It means that today, all of you can rest easy, because I am relaxing for you all. If you're feeling stressed today, just think, WWID (this does not include using substances if the situation does not call for it). I question the value of having a shot or with your boss, unless you think you may be on candid porn, in which case a shot might precipitate your ascension to stardom.
As for me? I might take a nap, though I think that I might just be too relaxed to move the 4.5 feet to get there. I might read a book: luckily there is a sweet book of poetry by Symborska staring me in the face. Bonus. I could just topple from my chair, but then I would have to climb back up. Damn* You know, I think I'm going to do none of the above: instead, I'm going to turn on my lava lamp and watch cartoons (Venture Bros. rock!). A bientot tout les persons! Au revoir!
A professional writer and yoga instructor taking a semi-professional look between the lines and behind the curtain of everyday life. There's beauty in the banal and the absurd in the profound, but those shy truths need a push into the light of day. If you like what you read I write for money (portfolio in progress), and if you yoga you will like the flow that I teach - just let know. Enjoy.
Ah oui...Mais, tu auras dit " bonjours tout mes amis "...par-ce que, c'est bien tout tes amis qui lirent tous les mots que tu ecrit....Continue a ecrire mon amis...un de ces jours tu d'eviendras un philosophe de " note " je crois aussi que tu vas devenir bien populaire dans le milieu acamedime....