Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Moving right along

We all wish we could write an opus. That definitive work which will
not only let the world know the particular strand of genius we posses,
but would carry the gravity to let those we hurt know we have
repented, those we love how deeply we do, and recognize the mark that
those important to us have made on our lives. All this in a moving
and perfectly executed piece that will provide Hollywood type closure
and the peace of mind that all wanders seek.

And while our work continues we still suffer. Dragged into the
quagmire that is the human condition, our words fall limply from our
lips, impotently from pen to page, crippled action representing a mere
shadow of what we wish it to. These are the words and deeds which
hinder our lives, which prevent the entirety of our lives from being
that opus which we so desperately seek to create.

But this isn't a blog of pain and suffering, though to a point that is
what life is about. I would prefer to use this anguish, these
lifeless moments in a cold uncaring universe to rally our inner
mettle. For it is only from confusion and pain that inspiration and
clarity spring from. When we think that we cannot, or don't want to
continue, that is exactly the time to dive directly into the heart of
our suffering and clash with our inner demons. For in hiding in
cowardice, be it through drink or drug, or emotional detachment, that
is the stuff of beret wearing high school kids jacked on caffeine
seeking meaning from the new music they have heard that
oh-so-perfectly captures...

You've heard it. Maybe from a bad episode of Degrassi. Perhaps from
an after school special. Notice however that while Hollywood does
drama like it does the happy ending. Both treatments are saccharine,
yet our belief seems based in what we think and are told by media
should be, rather than what we see, know and desire in the remainder
of our lives.

So where is this headed? This is where I diverge from what I have
known, so give me a spot of latitude. I say, embrace your demons.
Thank those that have done you wrong. I don't mean send flowers and a
card, but settle the score. If you've gotten your heart broken, even
over and over, tell them and thank them; by carrying on despite that
pain you walk about a stronger more stable person. Addiction issues?
Congrats, depending on the severity of you are now able to walk this
earth knowing that you understand. Understand what the depths of
emotion are. Understand how amazing a single clean day can be.
Wanting to propose a toast to your self-control, when you begin to
control the demons that have previously run your life.

There's an old saying that we cannot know the light without the
darkness. I believe that to the core of my being, so to all of you
that have made it through unscathed I say, "Sorry". For no one makes
it out without a couple scars, and if you think you have then I would
applaud your powers of rationalization and perception: to wit, you
just haven't been paying attention. I don't mean to propose heading
out to the nearest park dweller named Falco and scoring some junk, but
to clean the skeletons out of the closet you first have to see that
they are there.

So until you become enlightened, try to put an end to unfinished
business. There are two responses to a given situation, fight (deal
with it) or flight (stuff it deep in the psyche), and while the former
will leave you with some marks, the latter will most likely lead to a
crippling mid-life crisis, more than one phobia and a boat load of
therapy bills.

Stop running people, 'cause after awhile it becomes a habit, and the
only thing worse than running is not knowing what you are running

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