Friday, August 16, 2013

Music for the weekend/Ideas to look forward to

As more and more content goes starts popping up on this site you’ll come to see that my writing reflects my most passionate interests.  For a decade now the topics of yoga, neuroscience and psychology, music, the craft of writing, gender studies and art of living (think lifehacker on a grand scale) have provided an endless bounty of interest, and I look forward to sharing that with all of you.  I also love to discuss science, technology, nature, rhetoric and thoughtful discourse in general – basically a long way of saying that you’ll find me writing about just about anything I find distractingly interesting.  I'm also happy to try my hand at whatever a reader might like to hear some words about.

You’ll also find I have a serious love affair with the acoustic guitar (I also play the upright bass, a bit of piano and my voice isn’t too hard on the ears, but more on that another day), and thought it might be fun to share some of my favorites.  In time I will talk about my acoustic influences, but there is certainly a fair difference between who I love to listen to and who actually affects the sounds I try to make.

Note:  Some of these songs I've been listening to for years, and either don't have the words or have novels to say about each song.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do...

Ewan Dobson - Time 2

 Led Zeppelin - Brun Yr Ar

Stefano Barone - Batman/Alexander Supertramp

Erik Mongrain

John Butler - Ocean

Phish - Bliss

Umphrey's McGee - The Pequod

Tommy Emmanuel - I Go to Rio

Tim Reynolds - You are my Sanity

Michael Hedges - Rickover's Dream

Ben Lapps - Reverie (Bonus, now featuring another of his tunes tucked inside: "Sweet Sails")

Have a great weekend everyone.

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