Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My wild foray into the web

So, today begins an illustrious blogspot in which I am supposed to put my cherished self deep into the internet. I have to wonder if wedged comfortably between the newest, most filthy porn site ever created and something owned by google, is the inevitable (or potentially preferred) home of my little blog.

Lately, I've been wondering about the nature of infinity, yea? The point of infinity is that, amoung other things, we cannnot wrap our mind around it (I mean, can you actually imagine the omega #? If you can I want what you smoke). I used to use the totality of our universe, and why not: scattered amid the empty space are truly countless galaxies, quasars & pulsars (which incidentally keep such perfect time that when first discovered researchers thought they were and alien beacon for navigation). Now I use a different concept for infinity: the internet.

In all seriousness the internet, in a mere 20 years, has become so vast that I use it as infinity. It is almost more apt than the more static universe allusion, for there really is anything that anyone might want (Philosophy majors: I understand that dealing with all or any modifiers is very dangerous, but when dealing with the infinitely large I willing to take that step). I mean, I googled asdffghjkl the other day & returned 113 sites. Touche internet. "the sickest, raunchiest porn ever made" returned 404. I mean, I dare not open any of those pages out of fear that I will immediately think that I am actually a Victorian stuck in a liberal's body.

So my call to you today: google something completely random: not something you want to know, but something you didn't even know you wanted to, and you'll get a touch of what I mean. A bientot my interested friends, and I look forward to future rants that may slip foth from this half mental brain of mine. My parting words of wisdom: do something random to someone today; it only takes a moment, but you have given your unwitting victim a story for the rest of thier week.

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