Monday, February 27, 2006

Staring down the night

     At times, the best way to explain is to be simple.  To all those whom I have ever handled carelessly, my deepest apologies.  To those who have been unkind to me, you are forgiven.  There are few moments which can capture the understanding of all that there is in the world, a true realization that perhaps there is more beauty and reward in each moment and in each person than we can ever hope to take in, let alone understand.  To all the moments spent wasted in worry, trapped in what might have been/could become, to all those past freedoms I give nod.

So to each moment to come, I deeply bow.  You are the opportunity to reveal all the brilliance that lay just beneath the surface of the goings on.  Each instant to come provides for the generation/continuation of a picture of a world colored with a palate of my own design and choice.

And for the only moment I can truly have, this instant here and now, I applaud.  Perhaps you will be the beginning of an idea which will change the world.  Perhaps you will be forgotten from my conscious; either way you mark an instant which can never be again:  a sui generis point which can be only the way it is and no other way.  There are no alternate realities, right and wrong, good and bad, merely differing perceptions of the same ever unfolding timeline, made propositional by the schemes we create.  

Behind the words, behind the explanation, lies the ineffable.  It has no definition, and it cannot be pinned down.  It can be sensed, and occasionally communicated, but any attempts at quantification are rejected as trite, undeserving.  I see you as you truly are, at the same time everything and once and nothing at all.

And so to you, oh world I breathe you in.  I hear your silence, I feel your presence.  From the gentle envelope of gravity to the circulation of the blood throughout me I acknowledge your existence.  And by taking you in and affirming you I affirm every moment past and future.  So a toast, to all that is and what will be, and to all that was, and shall never be again.

To all who have shared in the journey, a round of applause.  To all who will be joining me, I look forward to your acquaintance.  To those with whom I have parted, for whatever reason, I carry you with me, and you will not be forgotten.  Goodnight, and sleep well

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should check out the "Red back spider" way of life...where the male commits "sexual suicide" by having his mate consume him as he is copulating and having his one and only fling....enjoy
