Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

In the midst of attempting to build something out of nothing it's so easy to forget all that we do have while we strive for the things that we don't. In that vein I would like to thank everyone in my life for all that they've done: Mom, My friends, acquaintances, all my readers past and future, Dad in his own way and a big thanks to the person or people who are going to help me advance in the world of writing. So to everyone I've met and everyone I have yet to, happy Thanksgiving.

And if you're still wondering about what you should be Thankful for this year, according to my "Things to be happy about" Calendar today's entries are, in no particular order: Baskets of Bread, no appetizers, hosting Thanksgiving, The Macy's parade (their Bold), driving like Mario Andretti, organic farming, snow in the clouds, crepuscular rays, news on the bulletin board and your family (my bold, we only get one).

May the gluttony of the food, the quality of the football and the level of the company all leave your refreshed and rejuvenated - we all have videos to watch of the yearly chaos as stores open at 4.

I look forward to revealing more of the smoke behind the mirror tomorrow - I've remembered my voice and I look forward to sharing again with all who listen. Stay classy. Starting tomorrow.

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