Saturday, April 20, 2013

Heading discovered, straight on till morning

A couple of days ago I opened up my blog over lunch. I didn’t actually read any of the old postings, just navigated on autopilot to the compose pane and stared at the blank page.  It looked back, so blank but for the first time in a long time so eager to be filled with words.  I was surprised by the moment, especially when I looked back this morning at just how long I had been away.
December 15, 2011. Not so great.  Pretty poor for a writer actually, even if this is the section where I write for interest instead of money.  Especially because this is the place I write for interest instead of money.  I looked back through those 2011 posts and was even more disappointed, they all seem so forced, so self-righteous, so half-complete.  Then I realized that that is exactly the type of person I was…forced, self-righteous and half complete.  I’m not saying I’m any closer to where I want to but it was illuminating to see just how clearly my writing was mirroring the state of my life at that time.

And how much has changed since then.  It’s been an amazing journey in the past year and it’s only getting more exciting.  While I don’t know where it’s going to go, I know it’s never going to be dull, and hopefully everything I do will be for the benefit of others.

There’s so much left to do, and a snowy April 20th in Minneapolis is the perfect day and place to get it all going.  I’ve been lucky enough to be profoundly reminded how much I miss my passions and am so grateful to finally have the means, wisdom, experience and motivation to make them all satisfying realities.  I can't wait to contribute in a way that's truly mine to the world that's been kind enough to keep me on it so far, and I hope that each day can bring something that promotes awakening and understanding to the giant mash that is the blanket of everything.

Check back frequently, there's so much to be done!

1 comment:

  1. One cannot truly write about life until one has experienced a bit of it....some call it maturity....the fires that forge maturity sometimes consume the person before he/she has the opportunity to stand back and observe what life is really about or should be about....for those who come through the annealing process without being consumed, they are stronger than before and have a much clearer view of what the gift of life is all about....
